Allergic reactions are fun!

Not. As you guys read in the last post, minor side effects.... Yeah, that all changed yesterday morning when Megan woke up with a rash from head to toe. Slightly itchy, tender, but nothing totally unmanageable. Megan had started messaging her doc the night before about scalp sensitivity and then continued the convo about the rash in the morning. As the day went on, the rash and the way Megan was feeling was getting worse, so an appointment with Dr. Finn was scheduled for that afternoon. Fast forward to the appointment, Megan is curled up on the doctor's table under her pineapple blanket when Dr.Finn comes in. After saying "I hear you have a rash", his eyes get huge when Megan pulls off the blanket to reveal the urgency of the situation. Consensus was an allergic reaction to Nexavar. Not a side effect, but instead an allergy to something in the pill. Prescription was a scalp solution for the skin sensitivity and itching, a steroid cream for the rest of the body, and then Benadryl to help clear it up. Yeah, none of that worked. We ran to CVS to get her meds and Aveeno oatmeal bath stuff. Megan got thrown in the bath where relief only lasted for 5min, then she was slathered in all of the meds we got earlier. Thank goodness, the utter lack of sleep from the night before and the momentum of the day kind of took it out of her so Megan konked out around 8pm thankfully to two 100mg Benadryl pills. Throughout the night, she was given more Benadryl, Tylenol and solution/cream reapplication. None of it was helping. At around 4am, Megan wandered down to the couch to try to sleep or entertain herself with the Tv. When I (D) woke up at 10am (I was catching up on sleep too), I wandered downstairs to find my poor girl in worse condition than before. Her rash went red to dark red/purple, none of it seemed to have gotten smaller, and her tongue had swollen up. "He said I should go to the ER if I am having a hard time breathing". Screw that, we were going now. So here we are at the ER. Megan is in her bunny socks, has been stabbed 5 times and now we are just waiting for them to take us back into a room. Stand by for an update...


The hospital and back home


Treatment: week one