Treatment: week one

It's. Been. Crazy!Between starting the meds and working overnights and missing the start date of our honeymoon (we're missing a month in Greece- but we'll make it up sometime), it's been a very trying week. I have to take 1 pill, twice a day. The tricky part is that it has to be on an empty stomach, so I have to take it two hours after eating and an hour before I eat. And as a CONSTANT EATER it's been strange to have to make a 3 hour window in the front end of my day to make that happen. It started out all good!! Not until day 4 did I get a couple of nose bleeds and experience waves of nausea. On day 5 I (foolishly) cleaned the house with no gloves on- man, they weren't kidding about skin sensitivity- my fingertips were tender for more than a day. I won't be forgetting to put gloves on again! I think it was that day that I noticed my tongue being sensitive, sometimes it feels like I chugged something hot, my mouth tastes strange and my tongue feels fuzzy. It was also probably day 4 or 5 that I noticed my scalp hurting, I remember taking my ponytail out and rubbing my head at work, thinking I must have just had my hair up too tight. The sensitivity has only gotten worse since then, and I spent most of my night tonight with frozen peas against my head to help with the stingy, burning sensation. It's also, most unfortunately, happening in my pubic area as well (hmm...overshare?? Sorry.). However, my hair might not actually be falling out...which is good news for obvious reasons, but at the same time bad news because I've learned that once your hair is gone your follicles no longer hurt, so I kind of wish for it to go just for the relief. Dr. Finn is ordering some cream for me that supposed to help with this symptom so we'll see how that goes. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to chop my hair short so it'll be easier to keep clean and apply creams and whatnot. My skin has also taken to breaking out in minor but pretty uncomfortable rashes; the first night I just had it on my back side but today it covered my whole torso, arms and thighs. Luckily some Aveeno lotion with camomile helps with this a bunch so Danielle has been helping slather it on me. There's also something ✨magical✨ about the hours of 3-5am; even if I'm asleep my body wakes me up with some unpleasantry. Today it's the rashes, hense the middle of the night blog post! (Come on, aveeno!! Do your thing!!)Dr. Finn did say that I'd feel about 70-80% good on this stuff...which I guess is still true. My appetite has been a little low but my energy levels still feel high. And WOW, can I just take a second to say that all the love I get from friends and family is CRAZY AWESOME and really does help me remember to keep up the positivity?! Seriously. Thanks everyone. Time to switch to reading my book, hopefully I'll get more sleep soon....


Allergic reactions are fun!


The Long Waiting Game